Growth and Secular Trend in School-Children from Cento, Ferrara, Italy


Growth parameters were surveyed in a sample of 296 Italian children, 6–9 years old, from Cento (Ferrara, Emilia- -Romagna). The comparison with children from the same town measured in 1974–75 show changes in some parameters, suggesting an ongoing secular trend. To better understand the observed weight increase and the sex difference, we also evaluated body composition and motricity. The analysis of the present sample is a preliminary part of a longitudinal study dealing with modifications of body composition and motor capacity induced by growth. In our sample the children are growing according to the Italian reference standard. The females present weight, height and Body Mass Index (BMI) values comparable to the 50th centile, while the males present higher values of weight, skinfold thicknesses and BMI. Sex differences in the motor performance were noted. A methodological comparison of obesity assessments based on BMI an percentage of body fat (%F) shows similar conclusions but somewhat different result

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