
Pojave i ležišta gipsa nalazimo u velikim krškim poljima (Sinjsko, Vrličko, Petrovo, Kosovo i Kninsko polje), te tektonskim dolinama Zrmanje, Butišnice i Une. Prostorno dislocirane su pojave na Visu i kod Samobora. Evaporiti (gips i anhidrit) uz prateće krovinske klastite (crveni pješčenjaci, siltiti i peliti) i karbonate (dolomiti i vapnenci) te šupljikave karbonatne breče (opučnjaci, Rauhwacke) taloženi su tijekom gornjeg perma. Današnji položaj naslaga gomjeg perma rezultat je kompleksnih tektonskih, posebice neotektonskih pokreta i dijapirskih kretanja. Evaporiti su taloženi u rubnim dijelovima epikontinentalnog marinskog bazena, kada su kontinuiranom progradacijom obale bili stvoreni povoljni uvjeti sabkha i plaja sedimentacije. Gomjopermska starost ovih naslaga u Dalmaciji potvrđena je karakterističnim asocijacijama mineralnog sadržaja i palinološkim odredbama u klastitima te analizama izotopa sumpora u gipsu. Gips je je važna sirovina u građevinarstvu, proizvodnji cementa, kao i u nizu tehnoloških procesa u sklopu kemijske industrije i drugdje, a dosadašnji rezultati istraživanja osiguravaju gipsu kao mineralnoj sirovini značajne perspektive.The occurences and deposits of gypsum can be found in big karst poljes (Sinjsko, Vrličko, Petrovo, Kosovo and Kninsko) as well as in tectonnically predestined river valleys of Zrmanja, Butišnica and Una. There also appear spatially localized occurences on the island of Vis and in the vicinity of Samobor. Evaporites (gypsum and anhydrite) with adjoining overlying clastic rocks (red sandstones, siltites and pelites), carbonate rocks (dolomites and limestones) and porous carbonate breccias (Rauhwackes) were deposited during the period of Upper Permian. The recent position of the Upper Permian beds is a result of complex tectonic, particularly neotectonic, movements and diapiric displacements. Evaporites were deposited in marginal areas of the epicontinental marine basin, in a period of favourable conditions for the sabkha and playa sedimentation due to the continuous shoreline progradation. The Upper Permian age of these sediments in Dalmatio is proved by the characteristic mineral paragenesis and palinological determinations in elastics rocks, as well as by isotope analyses of sulphure in gypsum. Gypsum is a significant ore mineral resource in building, cement production, as well as in a number of tehnological processes used in chemical industry and elsewhere. According to the recent investigations gypsum is predestined to serve as an ore mineral resource of significant perspectives

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