
Sažetak Za oktanski broj reformata od 99 jedinica, smanjenje protoka sirovine s projektnih 90 m3/h na 75 m3/h ima za posljedicu sniženje Start of Run ulazne reaktorske temperature a 515,2 na 511°C uz omjer vodika nasuprot ugljikovodicima 7,3:1 i 23 bara na visokotlačnom separatoru Platforminga 2. Poznavajući maksimalne ulazne reaktorske temperature od oko 528°C za postojeći tip katalizatora na Platformingu 2, proizlazi da se time temperaturno područje iskoristivosti katalizatora povećava s 12,8 na 17,1°C. Na taj način se od 116 dana ciklusa dolazi do prihvatljivije duljine ciklusa od 198 dana. Ovakva duljina ciklusa omogućava dvije regeneracije katalizatora godišnje. Iako Platforming 2 danas radi pod reaktorskim tlakom od 21 do 24 bara, zbog sljedljivosti podataka, za proračun je uzeta konstantna vrijednost tlaka recirkulirajućeg plina. Ne treba zaboraviti da svaka promjena u sastavu sirovine može uzrokovati nepredvidive promjene volumne koncentracije vodika u recirkulirajućem plinu odnosno varijacije u računsko određenoj vrijednosti trajanja ciklusa reforming katalizatora. Duljina ciklusa od približno godinu dana a oktanskom vrijednošću reformata od 99 jedinica mogla bi se postići spuštanjem kapaciteta svježe šarže ispod 65 m3/h. Proces katalitičkog reformiranja na postrojenju Platforming 2 u RNR bi s kapacitetom od 62,5 m3/h svježe sirovine, omjerom H2/HC>9 omogućio duljinu ciklusa katalizatora od 357 dana.Abstract For the reformate octane number of 99 the reduction of charge from the designed 90 m3/h to 75 m3/h results in the lowering of the Start of Run inlet reactor temperature from 515.2 to 511°C with a hydrogen/hydrocarbons share of 7.3:1 and 23 bar at the high pressure separator. Knowing the maximal inlet reactor temperatures at Platforming 2 of around 528°C for the existing catalyst type, it turns out that the temperature range of catalyst usability goes up from 12.8 to 17.1°C. In this way, from 116 cycle days we come to a more acceptable cycle length of 198 days. Such cycle length enables two catalyst regenerations per year. Although Platforming 2 today operates under reactor pressure from 21 to 24 bar, in order to be able to keep track of the data, for calculation presentation in Tables 1 and 2 we have taken a constant value of the recycle gas pressure. We should not forget that every change in charge composition may cause impredictable changes of the volumetric hydrogen concentration in the recycle gas i.e. variations in the calculated reforming catalyst life value. Cycle duration of approximately one year with the reformate octane value of 99 units could be reached by the fresh charge capacity lowering below 65 m3/h. The catalytic reforming process at the Platforming 2 plant at Rijeka Oil Refinery would, with the capacity of 62.5 m3/h of fresh charge, and a H2/HC ratio >9, enable the catalyst cycle length of 357 days

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