The Dominican Influence upon Marulić\u27s Philosophical-Theological Thought


U članku autor istražuje kako i u kojem smislu su dominikanci mogli utjecati na Marulićevu filozofsko-teološku misao, izraženu u njegovim djelima. U prvom dijelu članka autor se bavi Marulićevim osvrtom na dominikanske svece u njegovu djelu «De institutione bene vivendi per exempla sanctorum», u drugom dijelu analizira «tragove» Marulićeve povezanosti s dominikancima u Splitu, a u trećem dijelu, primjenom komparativne metode, kritički proučava prisutnost Akvinčeve nauke i misli u Marulićevim djelima. Konstatira da je Marulić bio u prijateljskim vezama s dominikancima i da je Akvinčev nauk uvelike utjecao na pisanje njegovih književnih djela. Mišljenja je da Marulićeve prijateljske veze s dominikancima nisu posve istražene, kao ni njihov utjecaj na njegovu stvaralačku misao.In this article the author examines the manner and the particular sense in which Dominicans influenced Marulić\u27s philosophical-theological thought as expressed in his works. In the first section the author deals with Marulić\u27s references to Dominican saints in his work De institutione bene vivendi per exempla sactorum. Secondly, he analyzes «traces» of Marulić\u27s ties with the Dominicans in Split. In the third section, by applying the comparative method, the author makes a critical study of the prevailing Aquinian teachings and thoughts in Marulić\u27s works. He concludes that Marulić was on friendly terms with the Dominicans, and that the teachings of Aquinas greatly affected the writing of his literary works. The author is of the opinion that Marulić\u27s friendly ties with the Domincans have not been thoroughly researched, as has neither the Dominicans\u27 effect on Marulić\u27s creative thought

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