
Comparison of the Bond Strengths of Zinc Phosphate, Glass-Ionomer, and Compomere Cement for Dowel Cementation


Unatoč dosad mnogim provedenim istraživanjima, ne postoji jedinstvena ocjena koji je cement najbolji za cementiranje konfekcijskih kolčića. Svrha rada bila je ispitati i usporediti retenciju konfekcijskih kolčića cementiranih s trima različitim vrstama cemenata: cink-fosfatnim, stakleno-ionomernim i kompomernim. Prikupljeno je 30 zuba i endodontski preparirano do dubine od 7 mm i ISO promjera 140. Podijeljeni su u 3 skupine od 10 uzoraka. S pomoću triju navedenih vrsta cemenata u njih su cementirani kolčići od čelične žice. Pošto se je cement stvrdnuo, izmjerena je vlačna sila potrebna za izvlačenje kolčića iz korijenskoga kanala. Za cink-fosfatni cement iznosila je 175±33,17 N, za stakleno-ionomerni 235,5±46,93 N, a za kompomerni 275,63±96,42 N. Kolčići cementirani kompomerom imaju znatno jaču retenciju od kolčića cementiranih cink-fosfatnim ili stakleno-ionomernim cementom. Stakleno-ionomerni cement mnogo jače retinira od cink-fosfatnoga cementa. Prednosti cink-fosfatnog cementa jesu manja osjetljivost na pogrješke u radu i razmjerna jeftinoća, te još uvijek u mnogim kliničkim okolnostima ostaje cement izbora.In spite of numerous previous studies, there is no final conclusion on which type of cement is the best for dowel cementation. The purpose of this study was to compare the retention of dowels cemented with three different cement types: zinc phosphate, glass-ionomer, and compomere. Thirty teeth were divided into 3 groups, root-canals were prepared to ISO 140, to 7 mm depth and dowels were cemented. After 40 hours the tensile force needed to dislodge the dowels was recorded. For zinc phosphate it was 175±33.17 N, for glass-ionomer 235.5±46.93 N, and for compomere 275.63±96.42 N. The dowels cemented with compomere had significantly higher tensile strength than those cemented with zinc phosphate or glass-ionomer cement. Glass-ionomer cement had significantly higher tensile strength than zinc phosphate cement. The advantages of zinc-phosphate are its low price and simple usage. Thus, in many clinical situations it may be the cement of choice

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