O rodu kosaca Lola Kratochvil (Opiliones: Laniatores)


The species Lola insularis Kratochvíl, the sole representative of the genus, is redescribed on the basis of recently collected adult specimens. As the holotype is apparently lost, a neotype is designated from this new material. The previously unknown male and the genitalia of both sexes are described and illustrated for the first time. The genus appears distinct from the known phalangodid genera in both genitalic and somatic characters. Although the relationship of Lola Kratochvíl to other genera is not clear, it resembles in some characters both the Palearctic genus Ausobskya Martens and the Nearctic genera Sitalcina Banks, Texella Goodnight & Goodnight, and Phalangodes Tellkampf.Na temelju nedavno sakupljenih odraslih primjeraka ponovno je opisana vrsta Lola insularis Kratochvíl, jedini predstavnik roda. Buduci da je holotip izgubljen, iz novoprikupljenog materijala uspostavljen je neotip. Po prvi puta je opisan i ilustriran dosad nepoznati muzjak, kao i gra|a spolnih organa oba spola. Rod Lola pokazuje znatnu razliku u odnosu na poznate rodove porodice Phalangodidae, kako po građi genitalija, tako i po tjelesnoj građi. Iako srodnost roda Lola Kratochvíl s ostalim rodovima nije jasna, po nekim osobinama ovaj rod podsjeća na palearktički rod Ausobskya Martens, kao i na nearktičke rodove Sitalcina Banks, Texella Goodnight & Goodnight i Phalangodes Tellkampf

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