
Osnovni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su utvrditi tko je najviše utjecao na igračevu odluku da se počne baviti odbojkom, utvrditi postoje li statistički značajne razlike između ženskih i muških ispitanika u odgovorima na postavljeno pitanje, te utvrditi utječe li dob ispitanika na rezultate istraživanja. Nadalje cilj je bio saznati dobnu strukturu pojedine ekipe i lige u cijelosti, te saznati u kojim su se mjestima igrači Prve A Hrvatske odbojkaške lige počeli baviti odbojkom. Ispitivanje je provedeno na svim ženskim i muškim prvoligaškim ekipama u Republici Hrvatskoj u prvom dijelu sezone 2004/2005 godine. Za deskripciju varijable dob korišteni su parametri aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija, minimum, maksimum, raspon, standardna pogreška aritmetičke sredine i interval procjene aritmetičke sredine populacije. Statistička značajnost razlike između grupa ispitanika u odgovorima na pitanje 1. prema spolu utvrđena je hi-kvadrat testom. Na temelju rezultata utvrđeno je kako su prijatelji ispitanika najviše utjecali na njihovu odluku da se počnu baviti odbojkom. Analizirajući dobivene rezultate zaključeno je kako nema statistički značajne razlike između ženskih i muških ispitanika u odgovorima na postavljeno pitanje.The primary aims of this study were to establish facts, that are, are there according to statistics, significant differences in given answers between male and female examinee, also to confirm a fact about the age factor as an influential element on the results of the research. Also, the aim was to find out about the age structure of each team and league in general, and to learn about the places in which the volleyball players of the Major A Croatian volleyball league began to go in for this sport. The study was carried out among all male and female major league teams in the Republic of Croatia during the first half term of the season 2004/2005. The age variable is described through these following parameters: arithmetical mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, range, standard incorrectness of arithmetical mean and estimated time of the interval of arithmetic mean of the population. Statistically, the importance of the distinction between the answers of the examinee on to the first question, according to the age factor, was confirmed by the chi - square test. Information in tables and graphs demonstrate that people who influenced the most on the players decision to begin to go in for this kind of sport are basically their friends. The research has also shown that there are no statistic significant differences between male and female examinee in given answers

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