
The Role of Psycho-Emotional Tension and Stress in the Etiology of Bruxism


Uzrok bruksizma još uvijek nije potpuno razjašnjen. U literaturi se kao glavni etiološki čimbenik navodi psihogena sastavnica. Ovim radom pokušalo se je ocijeniti udio stresa, psihoemocionalne napetosti i anksioznosti u etiologiji bruksizma te ispitati povezanost nekih psihosomatskih simptoma s bruksizmom. Opažena je statistički znatna razlika (p<0,02) u rezultatima testa anksioznosti i podložnosti stresu između skupine ispitanika s bruksizmom i kontrolne skupine te je zaključeno da u pacijenata s bruksizmom postoji veća razina psihoemocionalne napetosti, stresa i anksioznosti. U skupine ispitanika s bruksizmom uočena je veća čestoća nekih psihosomatskih simptoma (tahikardija, palpitacije) u odnosu prema kontrolnoj skupini, p<0,01. Rezultati upozoravaju na važnost psihosomatskih čimbenika u etiologiji bruksizma.The cause of bruxism is still unknown. The most commonly referred factor in the etiology of bruxism is that of psychogenic origin. This study was an attempt to evaluate the role of stress, psycho emotional tension and anxiety in the etiology of bruxism. The aim was also to determine a connection between certain psychosomatic symptoms and bruxism. The analysis showed statistically significant difference (p < 0.02) in the results of the anxiety and stress test between the bruxism group and the control group. It was concluded that there is a higher level of psychoemotional tension, stress and anxiety in patients with bruxism. Higher frequency of psychosomatic symptoms (tachycardia, palpitation) was also present in the group with bruxism than in the control group (p<0.01). These results point out the importance of certain psychosomatic factors in the etiology of bruxism

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