
Prostorna raspodjela 40K i 232Th u recentnim sedimentima estuarija rijeke Krke


Spatial radionuclides distribution was studied in recent estuarine sediments in the Krka River Estuary. Sediment samples were analyzed for 40K and 232Th by gamma-spectrometry. Activities of 40K were found in the range of 18–457 Bq kg–1 and activities of 232Th in range of 1.9–29.4 Bq kg–1. Distribution of 232Th activities follows that of 40K, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.97 in all analyzed samples from the Krka River estuary. Spatial distribution of natural radionuclides (40K and 232Th) in recent estuarine and marine sedimentation area can be a useful tool for recognizing the possible input of terrigenous material, as well as for fast locating of the area where such material is predominantly settled.U radu je proučavana prostorna raspodjela radionuklida u recentnim sedimentima estuarija rijeke Krke. Uzorci sedimenta analizirani su tijekom protekle dvije godine i aktivnost 40K i 232Th određena je gamaspektrometrijski. Izmjerene aktivnosti za 40K bile su između 18–457 Bq kg–1, a za 232Th izme|u 1.9–29.4 Bq kg–1. Raspodjela aktivnosti 232Th prati raspodjelu aktivnosti 40K, i njihov korelacijski faktor vi{i je od 0,97 u svim analiziranim uzorcima. Prostorna raspodjela prirodnih radionuklida (40K i 232Th) u recentnim estuarijskim i morskim sedimentima pod značajnim je utjecajem unosa terigenog materijala i može biti koristan ključ za prepoznavanje mogućeg izvora materijala kao i boljeg određivanja mjesta najvećeg taloženja tog materijala

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