Effect of fertilization of winter pea and wheat mixture on pea seed yield


Trogodišnjim istraživanjima (1995. do 1998.g.) utvrđivan je utjecaj učinkovitosti bakterizacije sjemena ozimog graška i prihrane dušikom na broj i masu suhe tvari kvržica, te prinose zrna smjese graška cv. Maksimirski ozimi i pšenice cv. Sana. Prije sjetve izvršena je predsjetvena bakterizacija sjemena graška s sojem Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae iz zbirke Zavoda za Mikrobiologiju Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Ukupno najveći broj kvržica na korijenu graška utvrđen je na bakteriziranoj varijanti 2 (31 kvržica/biljci), kao i masa suhe tvari kvržica (0,160 g/biljci). Prosječni prinosi zrna graška iznosili su od 1993 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 2426 kg ha-1 (bakterizacija). Prosjećni prinosi zrna pšenice iznosili su od 1896 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 2960 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Prinosi zrna ozime smjese graška i pšenice su iznosili od 3889 kg ha-1 (kontrola) do 5207 kg ha-1 (prihrana dušikom). Najveći broj mahuna (12,3) i zrna po biljci graška (44,0) je utvrđen na bakteriziranoj varijanti 2. Najveća masa 1000 zrna (115,7 g) i masa zrna po biljci graška (5,09 g) također je utvrđena na bakteriziranoj varijanti 2.Three year field trials (1995-1998) were carried out to determin the effect of seed winter pea inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on number and nodule dry weight g/plant of pea root and also on the yield of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi and wheat cv. Sana mixture. Just before sowing the inoculation of pea seeds was performed by the variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae which is part of the microbial collection of the Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. The highest total nodule number on pea root (31 nodule/plant) was determined on the inoculated variant 2 as well as nodule dry weight (0,160 g/plant). Average yield of winter pea were ranging from 1993 kg ha-1 (control) up to 2426 kg ha-1 (inoculation). Average yield of winter wheat were ranging from 1896 kg ha-1 (control) up to 2960 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). Average yield of winter peas in mixture wheat were ranging from 3889 kg ha-1 (control) up to 5207 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing). The highest number of pods (12,3) and of seeds per plant (44,0) was determined on the inoculated variant 2. The highest weight of 1000 seeds (115,7 g) and weight of seeds per plant (5,09 g) was determined on the inoculated variant 2

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