
ZrO2 Ceramic as an Esthetic Post


Uspješna endodontska terapija omogućuje da se spase jako oštećeni zubi. Manjak retencijske površine zuba najčešće se nadograđuje metalnim, konfekcijskim ili individualnim nadogradnjama. Problem je te restauracije sivoplava obojenost zubnih struktura. Zato nemetalni kolčići i nadogradnje imaju prednost kao retencijska podloga potpuno keramičkim krunicama, osobito kada se radi o prednjim prelomljenim ili obojenim devitaliziranim zubima. Osim staklo keramike sve češću uporabu kao biomaterijal u stomatološkoj protetici ima cirkonij-keramika zbog dobrih estetskih, kemijskih i mehaničkih svojstava te zbog dimenzijske stabilnosti. U radu će biti prikazan slučaj protetske sanacije prednjeg zbog traume prelomljenog zuba. Zub je endodontski obrađen. Temeljem rtg snimke normiranim je čeličnim i dijamantnim svrdlima odstranjena i izbrušena gutaperka do željene duljine korijenskoga kanala. Odabran je kolčić cirkonijevoga oksida (Biopost, Alfred Bech GmbH, Offenburg, Njemačka) prikladne duljine. Kolčić je nahrapavljen i pjeskaren sa zrncima Al2O3, veličine 150µm te adhezivno cementiran. Preostali dio kliničke krune nadomješten je kompozitom. U gingivni sulkus stavljen je retrakcijski končić. Temeljem dvofaznoga otiska izrađena je potpuna keramička krunica (Empress 2, Ivoclar, Schaan). Krunica je konačno pričvršćena adehzivnim cementom. Provedenom terapijom postignut je optimalan estetski i funkcijski učinak. Sve faze slikovno su prikazane.Successful endodontic therapy allows patients to retain severely damaged teeth. A minor retention surface is usually restored with metallic, commercial or individual posts. Silver-gray color posts is an esthetic problem in reconstruction of antetior teeth. Nonmetallic posts in combination with all-ceramic crowns are esthetically preferable for the restoration of endodontically treated anterior teeth with fractured or discolored coronal aspects. Glass ceramics as well as zirconimum oxide ceramik have been used as biomaterials in prosthodontics. Zirconium has good esthetic, chemical and mechanic properties and is dimensionally stable. In this study, a clinical case with prosthetic restoration of an upper fractured incisor has been discribed. After endodontic and radiograph treatment , the root canal was prepared with specific cylindrical steel and diamond burns. Gutta-percha was removed to the optimal depth of the root canal. Zirconium oxide post (Biopost, Alfred Becht GmbH, Offenburg, Germany) was chosen of suitable lenght. After roughening and sandblasting the surface of the ZrO2 post with particles Al2O3, size 150 µm, the post was adhesively cemented. The clinical crown was built with composite. Retraction thread was placed in gingival slucus. Monophase impression was taken. An all-ceramic crown, Empress 2 (Ivoclar, Schaan, Lichtenstein) was made. The ceramic crown was fixed with adhesive cement. Good esthetic and functional effect was achieved. All phases of the therapy have been illustrated by figures

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