
A relation among DS^{2}, TS^{2} and non-cylindrical ruled surfaces


TS2TS^{2} is a differentiable manifold of dimension 4. For every XinTS2% Xin TS^{2}, if we set X=(p,x)X=(p,x) we have =0=0 since vecpvec{p} is orthogonal to TpS2T_{p}S^{2}, therefore parallelvecpparallel=1parallel vec{p}parallel =1. Those there could exist a one-to-one correspondence between TS2TS^{2} and DS2DS^{2}. In this paper we gave and studied a one-to-one correspondence among TS2TS^{2}, DS2DS^{2} and a non cylindrical ruled surface. We showed that for a restriction of an anti-symmetric linear vector field A along a spherical curve alpha(t)alpha (t) there exists a non-cylindrical ruled surface which corresponds to alpha(t)alpha (t) and has the following prametrization [alpha (t,lambda )=alpha (vec{t})+A(alpha (t))+lambda alpha (vec{t})] So it is possible to study non-cylindrical ruled surfaces as the set of (alpha(t),A(alpha(t))) (alpha (t),A(alpha (t))), where alpha(t)inS2alpha (t)in S^{2} and AA is an anti-symmetric linear vector field in calR3{cal R}^{3}

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