
Organochlorine Compounds in Needles of Coniferous Trees


Prikazani su podaci o upotrebi polikloriranih bifenila (PCB) i organoklorovih pesticida (OCP) i zatim su opisani izvori PCB-a i OCP-a u okolišu. Ovi su spojevi vrlo dugo primjenjivani pa se zbog njihove rasprostranjenosti u cijelome okolišu i štetnih učinaka na ljude zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća provode intenzivna istraživanja. To su lipofilni spojevi, postojani u okolišu te vrlo dugo perzistiraju u tlu, vodi, sedimentu ili bioti. Opisane su njihove raspodjele i razine u pojedinim dijelovima okoliša. Posebno je naglašena uloga crnogoričnog drveća kao pokazatelja prosječnog onečišćenja zraka na određenoj lokaciji. Zatim su opisani analitički postupci koji se rabe za analizu PCB-a i OCP-a u bilju, kao i odgovarajuće instrumentalne tehnike. Na kraju prikaza navedeni su neki toksični učinci na zdravlje ljudi.Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are stable lipophilic compounds which persist in soil, water, sediments or biota for a very long time. As they can be transported by air over long distances, they were found in environmental samples in locations where they were not used. This environmental ubiquity and toxic effects, puts PCB and OCPs in the focus of scientific investigation. This review summarises physical and chemical properties of OCPs and PCBs, their use and distribution in the biosphere, and their effects on human health. Vegetation, particularly coniferous trees, are often used in biomonitoring of these compounds. Because of the widespread distribution of the pine trees, pollution monitoring is possible on local, regional and global scale, and this article compares monitoring results from Croatia and other countries. Despite the ban or restricted use of PCBs and OCPs, they are still present in the environment. Their levels in pine needles are relatively low (ng/g dry weight), except when there is a recent input of these pollutants occurs which increases their levels. This review suggests that pine needles are suitable for PCB and OCP monitoring and briefly describes analytical procedures involved, pointing out some methodological problems encountered in the process

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