Foliar application og fungicides in soybean


Tijekom tri godine na polju Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek istražena je učinkovitost folijarne primjene fungicida u suzbijanju mikoza soje u usporedbi s netretiranom kontrolom. Pokus je postavljen po blok metodi u četiri ponavljanja, a obuhvaćao je šest genotipova soje Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek (0-I grupa zriobe) i sedam tretmana (jednokratno u fenofazi R3 do R4 soje). Tehnologija proizvodnje soje bila je optimalna. Neposredno pred žetvu obavljeno je ocjenjivanje nazočnosti i intenziteta uzročnika bolesti, a poslije žetve uzeti su uzorci sjemena za određivanje zdravstvenog stanja u laboratoriju. Dominantni paraziti na polju bili su predstavnici Diaporthe/Phomopsis kompleksa, a na sjemenu Trichoderma spp., Penicillium spp., Fusarium spp., Rhyzopus spp., Aspergillus spp. i Peronospora manshurica. Nakon žetve, urod zrna s parcele je preračunat u kg/ha. Podaci su sistematizirani i statistički obrađeni. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike za godinu, genotip i tretman, te interakciju godina x genotip, godina x tretman, genotip x tretman, dok za interakciju godina x tretman x genotip razlike nisu utvrđene. Najrodniji genotipovi bili su genotip 3 (4646 kg/ha 1999., 3820 kg/ha 2000. i ukupno 4492 kg/ha) i genotip 6 (5046 kg/ha 2001. godine). Postojale su značajne i vrlo značajne razlike svake godine između kontrole i tretmana, kao i između pojedinih tretmana. Podaci obrađeni za sve godine zajedno ukazuju na značajne i vrlo značajne razlike samo između kontrole i tretmana, dok između tretmana razlike nisu utvrđene. Najzdravije biljke bile su u tretmanu s Impact-C, najzdravije sjeme s Merpan + Bavistin i najviši urod zrna s Polyram + Bavistin. Najzdraviji genotip u polju i najzdravije sjeme imao je genotip 3. Primijećeno je da pojedini genotipovi preferiraju određene tretmane. Sjeme nekih genotipova nije bilo zaraženo s pojedinim uzročnicima bolesti. Mišljenja smo da bi u iznimnim uvjetima ipak bilo korisno tretirati barem sjemenski usjev soje, o čemu odluku treba donijeti stručnjak na osnovi dobrog poznavanja cjelokupne problematike.During three years on field of The Agricultural Institute Osijek foliary applied fungicides in control of soybean micosis in comparison with untreated control were investigated. Trial was set as block method in four replicates included six soybean genotypes creation of The Agricultural Institute Osijek (0-I maturity group) and seven treatment (occuring once in R3 to R4 stage of development). Optimal agricultural management was carried out. Just before harvest, presence and intensity of disease evaluation was carried out. After harvest, seed sample were taken for health condition evaluation in laboratory. Predominant parasites in the filed were fungi from Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex, and on seed Trichoderma spp., Penicillium spp., Fusarium spp., Rhyzopus spp., Aspergillus spp. and Peronospora manshurica. After harvest, grain yield from small plot was calculated in kg/ha. Data were sistematized and statisticaly processed. Statisticaly significant differences were established for year, genotype and treatment as well as for interaction year x genotype, year x treatment and genotype x treatment. For interaction genotype x treatment x year statistical differences were not established. The most yielded genotypes were genotype 3 (4646 kg/ha 1999, 3820 kg/ha 2000 and in total 4492 kg/ha) and genotype 6 (5046 kg/ha on year 2001). Each year significant and highly significant differences were recorded between control and treatment, as well as between different treatments. Summarized data for all years shows on significant and highly significant differences only between control and treatment while between treatment differences were not established. The healthiest plants were in treatment with Impact-C, the healthiest seed with Merpan + Bavistin and the highest grain yield with Polyram + Bavistin. The healthiest genotype in field and the healthiest seed had genotype 3. It was observed that some genotypes prefered definite treatments. Seed of some genotypes was not diseased with casual agents of some diseases. Our opinion is that in exceptional conditions would be usful to apply fungicides at least on soybean fields for seed production. Decision of treatment shoud be meade by an expert on the basis of good knowledge of total problems

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