Gvajakol-peroksidaze i fotosintetski pigmenti u različito starim iglicama smreke


Changes in the guaiacol peroxidases activity, electrophoretic pattern, photosynthetic pigments content and photosystem II efficiency in spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) needles of different ages were investigated. Four generations of needles (current-year, one-, two- and three-yearold) were collected from ten Norway spruce trees. Similar Fv/Fm values (the ratio of variable and maximal fluorescence) in all investigated needles indicate that they were healthy with a fully functional photosystem II. There was a significant increase in photosynthetic pigments content during the first year of development. Total guaiacol peroxidases activity was increasing continuously during needles maturation. Significant differences were recorded between the current-year and older needles, as well as between the one-year-old and three-year-old needles. Also, the expression of new isoforms of peroxidases was observed in one-year old needles compared to current-year needles. No differences in the isoperoxidase pattern were observed between one-, two- and three year-old needles. The obtained results show that Norway spruce needles were subject to most pronounced biochemical and molecular changes during the first year of development.Proučavane su promjene u aktivnosti gvajakol-peroksidaza, u elektroforetskome sastavu, u sadržaju fotosintetskih pigmenata i učinkovitosti fotosustava II u iglicama smreke (Picea abies L. Karst.) različite starosti. Četiri generacije iglica (ovogodišnje, jedno-, dvo- i trogodišnje) prikupljene su s deset stabala smreke. Slične Fv/Fm vrijednosti u svim ispitivanim iglicama pokazuju da su zdrave s potpuno funkcionalnim fotosustavom II. Značajno povećanje sadržaja fotosintetskih pigmenata se dogodilo tijekom prve godine razvoja. Ukupna aktivnost gvajakol-peroksidaza povećavala se kontinuirano tijekom starenja iglica. Statistička značajnost utvrđena je između ovogodišnjih i starijih iglica te između jednogodišnjih i trogodišnjih iglica. Pojava novih izoformi peroksidaza uočena je u jednogodišnjim iglicama u odnosu na ovogodišnje iglice. Između jednogodiš njih, dvogodišnjih i trogodišnjih iglica nisu uočene promjene u sastavu izoformi peroksidaza. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da iglice smreke podliježu najintenzivnijim biokemijskim i molekularnim promjenama tijekom prve godine razvoja

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