
Electromyographic Evaluation of Masticatory Muscle Activity in Patients with Temporomandibular Dysfunction


Pojam temporomandibularna disfunkcija (TMD) obuhvaća mnoge poremećaje u vezi sa žvačnim mišićima i temporomandibularnim zglobovima. U vezu s nastankom TMD-a najčešće se dovode okluzalni, traumatski, psihosocijalni i sustavski čimbenici. Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je ustanoviti postoji li promijenjena aktivnost žvačnih mišića u ispitanika s poremećajem te utvrditi mogućnosti dijagnostike temporomandibularnih poremećaja metodom elektromiografije. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 40 ispitanika: 13 ispitanika sa simptomima temporomandibularne disfunkcije i 27 asimptomatskih ispitanika, usporedivih po spolu i dobi. Elektromiografska mjerenja provedena su na šest mišića (desni i lijevi prednji temporalis, maseter i digastrikus) u osam referentnih položaja. Ispitivanje odnosa vrijednosti mioelektričkih signala pojedinog mišića desne i lijeve strane u skupini zdravih ispitanika u lateralnim okluzijskim položajima i u maksimalnim lateralnim položajima pokazalo je znatno veću aktivnost temporalnoga mišića radne strane (p0,05). Razlika u vrijednosti mioelektričkih signala između asimptomatske i simptomatske skupine pronađena je za desni i lijevi maseter u maksimalnoj interkuspidaciji s 50% MVC (p<0,05), kod kojih su veće vrijednosti nađene u simptomatskoj skupini. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazali su postojanje promjena aktivnosti žvačnih mišića u ispitanika s TMD-om te potvrdili mogućnost uporabe elektromiografije u dijagnostici temporomandibularnih poremećaja.The term temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) encompasses a group of disorders of the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints. Major precipitating factors are occlusal, traumatic, psychosocial and systemic factors. The aim of this investigation was to determine possible altered muscular function in patients with TMD, as well as to determine the need for EMG application in TMD diagnosis. Forty young adults participated in this study: 13 subjects with signs and symptoms of TMD and 27 asymptomatic subjects, sex and age matched. Surface EMG recordings were obtained from left and right anterior temporal muscle, left and right masseter muscle and from left and right digastric muscle in eight mandibular positions. Right side to left side ratio of examined muscles myoelectrical signals in lateral occlusal and maximal lateral positions for the asymptomatic group showed significantly higher activity of the working side anterior temporal muscle (p0.05). Comparison of myoelectrical signals in the position of maximal intercuspation of teeth between the patients and the controls, showed significantly higher activity in right and left masseter muscle at 50% MVC (p<0.05) in the symptomatic group. Results of this investigation showed the presence of altered masticatory muscle activity in TMD patients and confirmed the use of electromyography in TMD diagnosis

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