
The Release of Metal Ions in the Gingival Fluid of Prosthodontic Patients


Korozija nadomjestka i njegovo trošenje u funkciji zatvaraju krug koji uzrokuje oštećenje nadomjestka i štetne reakcije na okolnome tkivu ili čak na udaljenim organima. Svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je identificirati ione Au, Pt, Ag i Pd u sulkusnoj tekućini (ST) u fiksnoprotetskih pacijenata i odrediti masu iona u dobivenom uzorku. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 20 ispitanika, od toga 15 je imalo fiksne nadomjestke i isti stupanj higijene, a 5 nije imalo nikakav protetski rad te su poslužili kao kontrolna skupina. Nadomjesci su bili izrađenih od slitina Au − Pt, Au − Pt, Ag − Pd i Ni − Cr te pričvršćeni u ustima: - od 1-14 dana, i 3-8 godina. Uzorci su dobiveni ulaganjem adsorbcijskoga papirića (AP) u gingivni sulkus (GS) zuba nosača u vremenu od deset minuta. AP s uzorkom ST analizirani su s pomoću spektrometra masa s induciranom združenom plazmom (ICP-MS). Rezultati su statistički obrađeni programskim paketom SPSS, a upotrijebljena je deskriptivna statistika i korelacija uzoraka. U cijelome uzorku statistički se znatno povezane koncentracije Ag, Au i Pt, a koncentracija Pd ponaša se prema vlastitu uzorku. Raščlambom rezultata u kontrolnoj skupini nije utvrđena statistički znatna povezanost za iste međuodnose. U podskupini Ag-Pd slitine utvrđena je statistički znatna povezanost između koncentracija Ag, Au i Pd, a najizrazitija je veza između koncentracija Au i Pd. Postoji statistički znatna razlika u koncentraciji Pt između podskupina s novim radovima s najvišom vrijednosti u skupini slitina Au (P=0,023) u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom.Utvrđena je statistički znatna promjena vrijednosti Ag (P=0,011) i Pt (P=0,039) s padom vrijednosti obiju tih kovina u ispitanika sa starim protetskim radovima.Corrosion of prosthetic restorations and simultaneous wear during usage leads to damage of the restoration and harmful reactions on the surrounding tissues or even on distant organs. The aim of this study was to identify the ions Au, Pt, Ag and Pd in the gingival fluid of patients with fixed prosthetic appliances and to determine the mass of ions in the obtained sample . The study included 20 subjects: of which 15 had fixed prosthetic appliances and the same level of hygiene, and 5 without have any prosthetic appliances, who served as a control group. The prosthetic appliances were made from alloy compounds: Au - Pt, Au - Pt, Ag - Pd, Ni - Cr, fixed in the mouths: from 1-14 days, and 3-8 years. Samples were obtained by placing adsorbent paper (AP) in the gingival sulcus (GS) of the abutment tooth for a period of ten minutes. AP with samples gingival fluid (ST) were analysed by means of a mass spectrometer with fused plasma (ICP-MS). The results were statistically analysed by the programme packet SPSS, with descriptive statistics and correlation of samples. In the whole sample statistically significant correlation was found for the concentrations of Ag, Au and Pt, while the concentration of Pd was characteristic for each sample. Analysis of the results in the control group did not reveal statistically significant correlation for the same inter-relations. In the sub-group Ag-Pd alloys statistically significant correlation was established between the concentrations of Ag, Au and Pd, and the most marked correlation found was between the concentrations of Au and Pd. Statistically significant differences were determined in the concentrations of Pt between the subgroups with new appliances, with the highest value in the group of Au alloy (P=0.023) in comparison with the control group. Statistically significant changes were determined in the values of Ag (P=0.011) and Pt (P=0.039), with a fall in the values of both metals in subjects with older prosthetic appliances

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