
Making mathematics phenomenal : Based on an Inaugural Professorial Lecture delivered at the Institute of Education, University of London, on 14 March 2012


Mathematics is often portrayed as an 'abstract' cerebral subject, beyond the reach of many. In response, research with digital technology has led to innovative design in which mathematics can be experienced to some extent like everyday phenomena. I examine how careful design can 'phenomenalise' mathematics - that is to say create mathematical artefacts that can be directly experienced to support not only engagement but also focus on key ideas. I argue that mathematical knowledge gained through interaction with suitably designed tools can prioritise powerful reasons for doing mathematics, imbuing it with a sort of utility and offering learners hooks on which they can gradually develop fluency and connected understanding. Illustrative examples are taken from conventional topics such as number, algebra, geometry and statistics but also from novel situations where mathematical methods are juxtaposed with social values. The suggestion that prioritising utility supports a more natural way of learning mathematics emerges directly from constructionist pedagogy and inferentialist philosophy

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