Romania Between Istanbul and Ankara: The Beginning of The Alliance in The First Decade of The Kemalist Republic


The premise that designed the Kemalist regional policy, has considered the reconciliation and cooperation between the South-Eastern Europe. The reasons, highly pragmatical, have contributed significantly to shaping an important regional power in the late interwar period, that promoted the concept formulated by Ataturk – “Turkey is an element of force and international peace.” After a mandatory review of the past and prospects of bilateral relations, a concept has been theorized in Ankara and Bucharest on a long term. The Romanians’ decisions have outlined some of the coordinates from the Romanian –Turkish relations from 1927-1928 that would promote bilateral and regional interests ensuring flexibility. Pictures are clearly marked in the two capitals, even before the Balkan Entente (in 1934) built a strategic axis that should have been very active, functional and pragmatic. The concepts of peace and neutrality, promoted by Bucharest and Ankara would remain foreign policy dogmas until the general European War, in 1941, even with the risk of cancelling the alliances concluded during the two interwar periods

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