The Establishment Period of Babur Empire in India: Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur


Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur was born in Ferghana on February 14, 1483. Babur was a descendant of the Turkish commander Timur. After the death of his father Omar Shaikh Mirza, he inherited the throne at the age of 11. His greatest zeal was to rule Samarkand. He fought many battles in the pursuit of this target, and won and lost his control many times in this process. Babur conquered Kabul in 1504, then he made it the centre of his kingdom. Due to the defeat of Shah Ismail by Selim I in the Battle of Chaldiran, he lost power in Central Asia and began raids into India. Following his crucial victories over the Afghans and Hindus in the Battle of Panipat (1526) and Khanwa (1527), Babur restored the Turkish dominance and established the Babur Empire in India

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