
Splitting Polytopes


A split of a polytope PP is a (regular) subdivision with exactly two maximal cells. It turns out that each weight function on the vertices of PP admits a unique decomposition as a linear combination of weight functions corresponding to the splits of PP (with a split prime remainder). This generalizes a result of Bandelt and Dress [Adv. Math. 92 (1992)] on the decomposition of finite metric spaces. Introducing the concept of compatibility of splits gives rise to a finite simplicial complex associated with any polytope PP, the split complex of PP. Complete descriptions of the split complexes of all hypersimplices are obtained. Moreover, it is shown that these complexes arise as subcomplexes of the tropical (pre-)Grassmannians of Speyer and Sturmfels [Adv. Geom. 4 (2004)].Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures; minor corrections and change

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