The effect of inoculants and cellulase on the fermentation and microbiological composition of grass silage: I Biochemical changes in the silages


The effect of the inoculation and the adding of the cellulase enzyme on the fermentation of sugar-rich, direct cut grass were studied. The control silages were made by using AIV II solution and no additives. The silages were prepared from the first cut on a farm scale in the summer of 1985. Generally all four silages were organoleptically good. The results showed only minor differences in the fermentation between untreated and inoculated or enzyme silages. The quality of fermentation, however, was improved in inoculated and enzyme silages. The quality further improved by using the AIV II solution. This was supported by the changes in the pH, ammonia, buffering capacity, redox potential, temperature and finally by a better digestibility of organic matter

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