The Interpretation of ‘Nour’ Surah in Avicenna and Darashokuh’s View


The study of Two Minds scholar and Imam Khomeini's views on Four Journeys, given the similarities between the two views at the same time, there are also differences. Imam and Qomshei both see the origin of the first trip as the created existents but unlike Qomshei who introduced the destination of the trip as the absolute Reality, Imam cosiders it as the qualified Reality. At the second trip, the Imam like Qomshei believe in similar provisions in the tour, vanishing intrinsic qualities and actions, including the necessity of divine grace to withdraw and return to Ananyt destruction of Leishmaniasis, a seeker's journey is outlined. However, as noted in tour, the site of the Imam against Qomshei who knows loss of mortals, for the traveler on this journey, just as the show is doomed. Instead, the trip to visit Imam's absolute right to know and secondly. However real nature and destination of the trip with created clear interpretation are consistent with this interpretation, traveler departing on the trip, his destination as the One and it is his justification for destination variable is the fourth trip. Both believe that the prophecy for the traveler on the trip is a prophetic other legislation because the seeker still no better field facility, descent and has not returned. Imam and Qomshei have most closely resembles in the interpretation of the nature and characteristics of their fourth trip. In terms of both, at first this trip is from created existents to created existents with along with the Real and secondly legislation prophecy has been obtained on this trip fully for the seeke

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