Results of Autogenous Trephine Biopsy Needle Bone Grafting in Fractures of Radius and Ulna


Cortico-Cancellous bone graft harvested from the anterior iliac crest by the conventional open method is associated with more morbidity and is more time consuming as compared to the percutaneous method using trephine biopsy needle. The aim of the study was to determine whether cancellous bone graft harvested from anterior iliac crest using trephine biopsy needle consistently achieved bone union in comminuted fractures and fractures of more than 3 weeks duration of radius and ulna and also to determine the morbidity at the donor site. Autogenous cancellous bone graft was harvested percutaneously from 28 iliac crests in 16 patients and applied at fracture sites of 30 forearm bones using a 4mm trephine biopsy needle after the fratures had been fixed with plate and screws. The patients were followed up regularly upto 6 to 9 months post - operatively in the OPD to determine the union status of the fractured bones and the morbidity at the donor site. 29 of the 30 fractures of the forearm bones united without any problems. The shaft of a trephine got bent during the harvesting procedure at the beginning of the study due to improper technique. Cancellous bone graft harvested from the anterior iliac crest results in predictable good union results in comminuted fractures of forearm bones and also fractures presenting after 3 weeks of injury. It is also an easier and quicker way of harvesting bone graft and is associated with lesser morbidity and earlier recovery as compared to conventional open method. Key Words: Bone graft, trephine, fracture of radius and ulna morbidit

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