Productivity of labour in the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy is a major factor of its development


The theoretical and practical aspects of determination of economic definition and methods of measuring labour productivity are considered. The methodical approaches to determining the place of Ukraine in the ranking of countries by the level of labour productivity are researched. It is established that according to the World Bank, in Ukraine the level of labour productivity in the economy is five times lower than in the EU (28). A comparative analysis of the achieved level of labour productivity by types of economic activity was carried out. It was established that during 2012–2016 the most stable rates of growth of labour productivity by types of economic activity were demonstrated by agriculture, forestry and fishery, real estate operations, professional, scientific and technical activities. The analysis of the state of labour productivity in agriculture by the categories of commodity producers and branches of plant growing and livestock farming was conducted. Calculations have shown that in agriculture labour productivity is rather low due to its low level in households. Labour productivity in agricultural enterprises has reached its level in industry. The tendencies in the ratio of growth rates of labour productivity and wages in agricultural enterprises are analyzed. The necessity of increasing labour productivity in the agrarian sector of the economy as a source of growth of national income and a factor of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy is substantiated. Keywords: agriculture, production resources, efficiency, labour productivity, gross output, gross value added, competitiveness of econom

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