Dialogic Communication Through “Pinning”: An Analysis of Top 10 Most-Followed Organizations’ Pinterest Profiles


Few academic studies have examined how Pinterest can be best used to connect, engage, and build relationships with target publics. The current study aims to explore how most followed brands on Pinterest build relationships through the dialogical communication framework. Broadly, through the two research questions advanced, the study contributes to the stream of research that explores the dialogic features present on social media sites. A content analysis of organizations’ Pinterest profile pages and individual pins was conducted to determine the extent to which dialogic principles were present as an attempt to build relationships with their publics. The findings indicate social media do have the potential to foster relationships with organizational publics. More specifically, the study identifies Pinterest as an up-and-coming social media tool with which practitioners can utilize to cultivate relationships among their publics in a visually stimulating way. The current study can offer guidelines to those organizations that want to utilize Pinterest to better foster their relationship with target audiences, filling a gap of literature that is needed to bridge the gap between academic literature and the public relations practice

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