Lack of institutional services: the impact on household food Insecurity in Ntambanana, KwaZulu-Natal


The aim of this study was to explore how food security at household level is affected by lack of institutional services. This study particularly looks at how these constraints affect access to food and assess the availability of institutional services such as the availability of extension services in Ntambanana. The availability of institutional support in rural areas is regarded as means of rural development which eliminate problems of access to food and other services. The general findings of the study reveal that assessment and evaluation of policies that are based on rural development and food security is very important. These include improving communication amongst various stakeholders, creating an enabling environment for local businesses, ensuring the availability of facilities such as storage, communication and transport facilities. The results reflect that socio – economic conditions play an important role in accessing food by looking at the level of purchasing power in the community. This study concludes that the cost effective ways to improve access to food is to assist local small scale businesses to earn cash through creating market for them and invest in institutional services that lead to improving food security. The study recommends that improved rural institutional services sustains food security as well as contributes to the improvement in the living conditions of rural households

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