
This article is devoted to three components of the organic totality: human, architecture and environment. For many years people have evolved to the environment and were an integral part of it, dwelt in harmony and unity with nature, but due to the current established processes of urbanization there is a rupture of the connection between man and environment. For this reason, urban residents may feel uncomfortable in the urban space and try to move closer to human-nature environment. One of the main tasks of modern architecture is the revival and reunification of previously lost connection of the integral system “man-environment”. Since XIX-XX centuries the rethinking of the relationship between man and nature began and it gave a push to the latest ideas in the field of architecture. It led to the beginning of organic and harmonious fusion of man, architecture and nature. The goal of this article is to identify the fusion characteristics of architecture and landscape to prove necessity to arrange the person to environmental conditions as close as possible and, therefore, comfortable conditions to the natural environment. Analyzed the state of the metropolis’ architecture and the results of environmental impact on the human, there are factors that negatively affect to psychological and physical health in the urban environment. As well the urgency of individual housing is revealed. According to the principles of the organic approach solutions of architectural urban space changes are presented

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