Effect of Paneer Booti During Kinetics on Candida


Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus and a commensal of skin in humans. It is opportunistic fungal pathogen that may cause localized as well as systemic infections. As the pathogenecity of fungus is increasing, the demand for effective antifungal agent is also increasing. In the present study the macrodilution, microdilution and time kill curve methods were used to evaluate the effect of paneer booti during growth kinetics of Candida. In macrodilution the most effective concentrations of paneer booti were found to be 10-1 and 10-2. Similarly fluonazole ‘s concentration of 10-1 and 10-2 effect the growth after 4 hours and 10-3 and 10-4 effect the growth after 5 hours. In microdilution, magnesium and calcium enhanced the growth of C. albicans after 7 hours. In 10-3 and 10-4 concentration the inhibition of Candida albicans occured after 8 hours and fluconazole and paneer booti were found to be effective on its growth. The time kill curve of Candida albicans showed that paneer booti and fluconazole were effected against the Candida albicans and clearly showed the four phases of growth (lag, log, stationary and decline ). As paneer booti was found to be effective against the pathogenic specie of Candida i.e., Candida albicans, therefore, it can be use for the treatment of infections that are caused by this pathogenic agent

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