Environmental education and young: The influence of the belief and attitudes toward pro-environmental behavior in ninth grade students, of Central Department (2015)- Paraguay


The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of belief and attitudes the ninth grade students toward pro-environmental behaviors. The data were collected from non-probabilistic sample from public school of the Central Department from Paraguay. We apply a Likert questionnaire to 200 students from ninth grade, sort out items such as beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. The methodology applied was the chi-square test where we want to relate the beliefs to attitudes and sustainable behaviors. The results suggest that general beliefs about the importance of environment they do not have implicance in attitudes and behaviors environmental, however, when the beliefs are specific, and clearly wrong, the consequences in the actions are not in lines with the sustainability of the environment are clear. Hence, is very important to rethink about Paraguay environmental education and arise actions strategy that implies the involvement and coordination with different sectors of society

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