Periodontal Disease as a risk factor for complications during pregnancy and childbirth


Introduction: Periodontal Disease during pregnancy can influence in maternal-fetal health. Two hypotheses have been established in relation to oral health and alterations in pregnancy. The first one determines that periodontal disease causes immunological changes, which causes complications during pregnancy. The second hypothesis proposes that oral bacteria colonize the placenta, cause inflammatory responses and result in preeclampsia and prematurity. Objective: To carry out a systematic review on periodontal disease and its relationship with complications during pregnancy. Methodology: A systematic review was carried out using PRISMA methodology. An electronic search was conducted in three databases (PUDMED, CINAHL and SCOPUS) for articles published in English. The keywords or search terms used were the following: Low birth weight / Low birth weight; Periodontal disease / Periodontal disease, pregnant / Pregnant women. Results: For this review, 19 specific articles on periodontal disease and its relation to pregnancy complications have been selected. Discussion / Conclusions: The publications analyzed in this study, according to their results, revealed that the association between periodontal disease and the health of the pregnant women and their baby is still contradictor

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