New Bounds for the Harmonic Energy and Harmonic Estrada index of Graphs


Let GG be a finite simple undirected graph with nn vertices and mm edges. The Harmonic energy of a graph GG, denoted by HE(G)\mathcal{H}E(G), is defined as the sum of the absolute values of all Harmonic eigenvalues of GG. The Harmonic Estrada index of a graph GG, denoted by HEE(G)\mathcal{H}EE(G), is defined as HEE=HEE(G)=i=1neγi,\mathcal{H}EE=\mathcal{H}EE(G)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}e^{\gamma_i}, where γ1γ2γn\gamma_1\geqslant \gamma_2\geqslant \dots\geqslant \gamma_n are the H\mathcal{H}-eigenvalueseigenvalues of GG. In this paper we present some new bounds for HE(G)\mathcal{H}E(G) and HEE(G)\mathcal{H}EE(G) in terms of number of vertices, number of edges and the sum-connectivity index

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