
Sugar Mill Effluent Induced Histological Changes in Heart of Channa Punctatus


Sugar mill effluents are not so toxic like pesticides, but they contain many organic and inorganic reactive compounds which can affect the life of the organisms. These reactive compounds accumulate and retard physiological activities in human beings also. Histological biomarkers can be indicators of the effects on organisms of various anthropogenic pollutants on organisms and are a reflection of the overall health of the entire population of that ecosystem. The alterations in cells and tissues of fish are recurrently used biomarkers in many studies as such changes occur in all the invertebrates and vertebrates inhabiting aquatic basins. Histological biomarkers embody tissue lesions arising as a result of previous or current exposure of the organism to one or more toxins. In other words, it can be stated that these compounds act as a slow poison. Keeping these points in view, the effect of sugar mill effluent is observed on histology of heart of freshwater fish Channa punctatus

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