Aerial biomass production of Bambusa vulgaris Schrader ex Wendland in seven localities of Granma province


With the objective of making a sustainable handling of Bambusa vulgaris Schrader ex Wendland specie with productive ends, researches were developed in: “Bartolomé Masó”, “Bayamo”, “Buey Arriba”, “Cauto Cristo”, “Guisa”, “Manzanillo” and “Río Cauto” towns, among the years 2012-2016, in “Granma” Agro forestry Enterprise; a simple classification ANOVA was carried out on dasometric parameters and Tukey  means multiple comparison test by using statistical package IBM, SPSS, Statistic, version 21; the comparison of the structure of the grafts with the international relationship, Chi squared test was carried out, which allowed to know the behavior of the main components of the production, and the yields. For each town an own structural composition was obtained that serves as bases for calculation and evaluation of sustainable management of the specie. The average of the specific relationships among grafts development variables at Enterprise level, turned out to be 14% sprout: 43% green culmos: 36% mature culmos: 7 % dry. Species diametric composition for each town had favorable proportions to the green culmos, 100 % is grouped in the biggest diametric category, between 6 cm and 12 cm and average yield of air biomass production of green and mature culmos it was of 70, 9 tha-1

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