Influência da ordem dos exercícios no desempenho do número de repetições com baixa intensidade de carga em homens destreinados


Introduction: Exercise order may significantly affect muscle strength performance. Objective: To compare the maximum repetition performance and perceived exertion adopting different orders exercises. Methods: Thirty-six untrained men (27.86 ± 2.89 years) performed two exercise sequences: SEQA – the order was: bench press (BP), lat pull down (LPD), shoulder press (SP), biceps curl (BC), triceps curl (TC), leg press (LP), leg extension (LE) and leg curl (LC); SEQB – the reverse order was adopted to TC, BC, SP, LPD, BP, LC, LE, LP. Results: BP, LPD, BC and TC repetition performance was significantly higher during SEQA when compared to SEQB. However, no differences were noted for LC, LE and LP. The perceived exertion showed differences for the following exercises: LC, BC and TC. Conclusion: Therefore, the main muscle groups should be exercised at the beginning of training session

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