Neural Monitoring With CMOS Image Sensors


Implantable image sensors have several biomedical applications due to their miniature size, light weight, and low power consumption achieved through sub-micron standard CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technologies. The main applications are in specific cell labeling, neural activity detection, and biomedical imaging. In this paper the recent research studies on implantable CMOS image sensors for neural activity monitoring of brain are being quantified and reviewed. Based on the results, the suitable implantable image sensors for brain neural monitoring should have high signal to noise ratio of above 60 dB, high dynamic range. of near 88 dB and low power consumption than the safety threshold of 4W/cm2. Moreover, it is found out that the next generation of implantable imaging device trend should reduce the pixel size and power consumption of CMOS image sensors to increase spatial resolution of sample images

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