Meta analysis of organizational culture's effect on implementing knowledge management in organizations (Iran: 1380-1391)


In recent years, discussion of knowledge has become the subject of scientific settings. Knowledge courses competitive advantage and organization that are not able to gain required knowledge will die quickly. One of the instruments that enables organization to improve is knowledge management. But, this is not enough, because success in organization is largely depends upon support of organizational culture for knowledge management strategy. The purpose of present research was to study the effect of organizational culture on implementing knowledge management in organizations. To this aim, among 42 research, 13 were selected to do meta analysis. Research instrument was Meta analysis checklist. Findings showed that size of effect of organizational culture upon implementing knowledge management in organizations was 0.77 at (P≤0.002). This amount is at high level, based on Cohen table. This finding suggests increase in investment to develop cultural infrastructure in organization. Organizational culture acts as a powerful tool in empowering organizational behavior and cause people to share and disseminate their knowledge in order to maintain their personal power and effectiveness

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