Splenic Abscess in Salmonella Infections


Although during pre-antibiotic period splenic abscess was seen 1.5-1.8% of patients with typhoid fever, recently splenic abscess was reported as a rare complication of Salmonella infections. In order to identify splenic abscess, systemic salmonellosis diagnosed patients with the isolation of Salmonella spp. from blood culture were examined by abdominal ultrasonography prospectively. Splenic abscess was identified two (3.2%) of patients. Primary treatment for splenic abscess is splenectomy accomplished by IV antibiotic usage. Also percutaneous drainage is one of the recent developed treatment. However it is reported that when the infecting microorganism has been identified by a positive blood culture and the lesions were small and solitary, prolonged antimicrobial therapy and follow-up US or CT scanning would be appropriate. Ofloxacin was used for 35 days in one case with spenic abscess and in an other case ciprofloxacin was used for 30 days. After these prolonged treatments clinical and ultrasonographic findings showed complete cure

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