Ninety years of mining and metallurgy in Trepča: Sever conglomerate: Part II


Present company Trepča-Sever is formed by foreigners after the bombing of Serbia and Montenegro in 1999, and it is a part of former Trepča Conglomerate located in northern part of Kosovo and Metohija, namely in three municpalities: North Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvečan and Leposavić. Main office of Trepča Conglomerate was always in Zvečan, flotation of lead-zinc ore (in the period of 1930-1985), lead smelting and refining plants (founded in 1939), laboratory, Institute, electromechanical workshops and other ancillary services. In Leposavić flotation, ores of Kopaonik mines are processed, while financial and commercial services are located in the North Kosovska Mitrovica

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