A presentation for the subgroup of compressed conjugating automorphisms of a partially commutative group


‎Let GGammaG_{Gamma} be a partially commutative group‎. ‎We find a finite presentation for the subgroup Conjv(GGamma)Conjv(G_{Gamma}) of compressed‎ ‎vertex conjugating automorphisms of the automorphism group‎ ‎Aut(GGamma)Aut(G_{Gamma}) of GGG_{G}‎. ‎We have written GAP packages which compute presentations for Aut(GGamma)Aut(G_{Gamma}) and its subgroups‎ ‎Conj(GGamma)Conj(G_{Gamma}) and Conjv(GGamma)Conjv(G_{Gamma})

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