Inventory of gravitational phenomena in the West of Cuba


The present paper has as objective to elaborate an inventory of gravitational phenomenon’s in the most western area in Cuba that offers a more integral vision of the susceptibility from the territory to the occurrence of this phenomenon. For it, they were carried out two inventories of gravitational phenomenon’s, one associated to the road through a field work and the other based in the photograph interpretation of satelital images obtained by the google earth. As a result, an inventory was obtained where they register the slides of the area and its more particular characteristics are described, elements that were not shown in an integral way until the moment, what facilitates, to interpret the results better and to determine the variables that exercise bigger influence in the occurrence of these phenomenon’s, is also shown, the most susceptible sectors to the occurrence of these. For better to graph the results three maps are elaborated, two that show the density of phenomenon’s for Popular Council and the third associate the populational density with the areas where they register the slides

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