Effect of Using Dual Composition of Cationic Starch-Nano Silica and Nano Cellulose-Poly Acrylamide On Physical and Strength Properties of Cotton Papers


In this study, the comparison of the use two combination of additives including the use of nano silica with cationic starch and the use of nano cellulose with cationic poly acrylamide on the physical and strength properties of cotton based paper. For this purpose, the pulp of the chemical pulp of bleached cotton fibers is made with a 45˚RS grade peroxide and then the additives with specified conditions (cationic starch 1 and 1.5%, nano silica 0.3 and 0.7%, nano cellulose 1, 2 and 3% and cationic poly acrylamide 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7%) added to it and in the end 70 grams of handsheets were made. Similary, the paper was evaluated for physical and strength properties. The results indicated that the combination of cationic poly acrylamide and nano cellulose did not have much effect on increasing the majority of chemical pulp strength of cotton. As the reduction density, tensile strength, strength to tearing and no signification effect on strength to cutting. While the use of cationic and nano silica starches has significantly increased the strength and density properties of pulp paper significantly. Therefore, considering the results of physical and physical tests, it is possible to use the combination of cationic starch and nano silica to increase the chemical properties of cotton pulp

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