Nitric Oxide Circumstances in Nitrogen-Oxide Seeded Low-Temperature Powling-Burner Flames


Flat low-temperature two-stage flames were established on a Powling burner using rich diethyl-ether/ air or n-heptane/air mixtures, and nitrogen monoxide NO was added into the fuel-air mixtures with a concentration of 240 ppm. The temperature development and chemical-species histories, especially of NO, nitrogen dioxide NO2 and hydrogen cyanide HCN were examined associated with an emission-spectrum measurement from the low-temperature flames. Nitrogen monoxide was consumed in the cool-flame region, where NO was converted to the NO2. The NO2 generated, however, fell suddenly in the cool-flame degenerate region, in which the HCN superseded. In the blue-flame region the NO came out again and developed accompanied with remained HCN in the post blue-flame region. The NO seeding into the mixture intensified the blue-flame luminescence probably due to the cyanide increase

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