Total graph of a 00-distributive lattice


Let £ be a 00-distributive lattice with the least element 00, the greatest element 11, and rmZ(£){rm Z}(£) its set of zero-divisors. In this paper, we introduce the total graph of £, denoted by rmT(G(£)){rm T}(G (£)). It is the graph with all elements of £ as vertices, and for distinct x,yin£x, y in £, the vertices xx and yy are adjacent if and only if xveeyinrmZ(£)x vee y in {rm Z}(£). The basic properties of the graph rmT(G(£)){rm T}(G (£)) and its subgraphs are studied. We investigate the properties of the total graph of 00-distributive lattices as diameter, girth, clique number, radius, and the  independence number

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