Article Users Activity Gesture Recognition on Kinect Sensor Using Convolutional Neural Networks and FastDTW for Controlling Movements of a Mobile Robot


In this paper, we use data from the Microsoft Kinect sensor that processes the captured image of a person using and extracting the joints information on every frame. Then, we propose the creation of an image derived from all the sequential frames of a gesture the movement, which facilitates training in a convolutional neural network. We trained a CNN using two strategies: combined training and individual training. The strategies were experimented in the convolutional neural network (CNN) using the MSRC-12 dataset, obtaining an accuracy rate of 86.67% in combined training and 90.78% of accuracy rate in the individual training.. Then, the trained neural network was used to classify data obtained from Kinect with a person, obtaining an accuracy rate of 72.08% in combined training and 81.25% in individualized training. Finally, we use the system to send commands to a mobile robot in order to control it

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