Sulle tracce di Riccardo: l’immaginario teatrale del male tra teatro del sangue e teatro della malattia.


On Richard's Trace: The Theater Imagination of Evil Between Theater of Blood and Theater of Sickness. In 1977 Carmelo Bene met the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze whom tells his idea about Richard III mise-en-scène, that is to equip the actor of huge prosthesis to his arms that would show all the body degeneration and would make him, at spectator’s eye, the incarnation of a meaningless evil. After all the whole theatre from last century, starting from its foundation, has been crossed by Antonin Artaud’s visionary charge and his theatre of cruelty, where theatre becomes a space of pestilence and incarnation of evil. This work wants to investigate some figures of last fifteen years theatre, around whom it has been built a consciousness connected to evil, and to show its layering of figures that go from a social fear to the staging of sickness and death, passing through pain and foolishness of evil

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