
qq-independent slow-dynamics in atomic and molecular systems


Investigating million-atom systems for very long simulation times, we demonstrate that the collective density-density correlation time (τα\tau_{\alpha}) in simulated supercooled water and silica becomes wavevector independent (q0q^0) when the probing wavelength is several times larger than the interparticle distance. The qq-independence of the collective density-density correlation functions, a feature clearly observed in light-scattering studies of some soft-matter systems, is thus a genuine feature of many (but not all) slow-dynamics systems, either atomic, molecular or colloidal. Indeed, we show that when the dynamics of the density fluctuations is due to particle-type diffusion, as in the case of the Lennard Jones binary mixture model, the q0q^0 regime does not set in and the relaxation time continues to scale as ταq2\tau_{\alpha} \sim q^{-2} even at small qq.Comment: Includes the supplementary materia

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