
Vacancy defect reconstruction and its effect on electron transport in Si-C nanotubes


We investigate the vacancy defect reconstruction and its effect on I-V characteristics in a (4, 0) zigzag and (5, 5) armchair silicon-carbide nanotubes (SiCNTs) by applying self consistent non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism in combination with the density-functional theory to a two probe molecular junction constructed from SiCNTs. The results show that single vacancies and di-vacancies in SiCNTs have different reconstructions. A single vacancy when optimized, reconstructs into a 5-1DB configuration in both zigzag and armchair SiCNTs, and a di-vacancy reconstructs into a 5-8-5 configuration in zigzag and into a 5-2DB configuration in armchair SiCNTs. Introduction of vacancy increases the band gap of (4, 0) metallic SiCNT and decreases the bandgap of (5, 5) semiconducting SiCNT, bias voltage dependent current characteristic show reduction in overall current in metallic SiCNT and an increase in overall current in semiconducting SiCNT. When you are citing the document, use the following link

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