
Antecedents and consequences of knowledge management perfomance. the role of IT infrastructure.


Purpose: In this paper, we assess the role of knowledge management (KM) practices as a key antecedent of KM performance. Also, we examine how information technology (IT) infrastructure is used as a driver of KM performance, organizational performance and innovation. In addition, the effects of IT infrastructure can be indirect. Specifically, we show that KM performance is a mediator between, on the one hand, IT infrastructure and, on the other hand, organizational performance and innovation. Design/methodology: Applying Partial Least Squares (PLS), a composite-based structural equation modeling, we have carried out a study among a sample of 82 Andalusian technology-intensive innovative companies adopting both a confirmatory and predictive purposes. Findings: First, both IT infrastructure and KM practices are key drivers of KM performance. Second, KM performance shows a significant direct impact on business performance and innovation outcomes. Third, the influence of IT infrastructure on business performance and innovation outcomes is not direct but indirect through KM performance. Finally, the model shows good fit values and appropriate predictive power to predict new observations of KM performance and organizational performance. Practical implications: This research provides insights for why some firms may not be realizing benefits from investing in IT infrastructure. KM performance is strongly needed for the successful implementation of IT infrastructure in the organizations. Originality/value: This study has a double research purpose, confirmatory and predictive. In this vein, it applies new PLS developments focused on the goodness of fit as well as on the predictive performance of the model. The findings are important for practitioners and researchers because this study makes a contribution to the literature on KM by supporting the perspective that the business and organizational performance are functions of the KM performance, a complementary resource through which the value of IT infrastructure is enhanced

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