
New fabrication approach to ZnO multiple nanofiber sensors


In the presented work, ZnO nanofiber sensor structures designed and fabricated using a standard microelectronic device technology were studied. The structures in the configuration of a resistor with chemically active ZnO multiple nanofibers deposited by electrospinning method were prepared. Investigation of inclusion in the process reactive- ly sputtered AlN insulating film to improve the robustness of the nanofibres on the substrate was undertaken. Selective wet chemical etching of AlN film using photoresist developers and a photoresist mask to define the sensor active area was studied. The Ti/Au ohmic contacts were fabricated using the lift-off photolithography process. To- pography of the sensor structure details was investigated using AFM. Electrical charac- terization by means of I-V measurements was made. Sensitivity to the physiologically relevant concentration of Bovine Serum Albumin in water solution was shown. When you are citing the document, use the following link

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